Nature is for Everyone

Nature is for Everyone

By: Desiree Hester

Founded with the idea that anyone and everyone deserves to experience and find joy in nature, inclusivity has been at the heart of TETON Sport’s mission from the beginning. As a company of fellow outdoor enthusiasts, the appreciation for the powerful, positive benefits of time spent in nature runs deep. Time spent in nature brings joy, reduced stress, better overall health and so much more. We believe these benefits should be accessible for everyone. Whether you’re an expert outdoor adventurer or are just getting introduced to the great benefits of time spent in nature, TETON Sports is here to support you in your endeavors.

With the desire to include everyone-at all skill levels- to partake in the joy of spending time in nature, TETON Sports strives to provide high quality, reliable gear at an affordable price. Too easily one can be dissuaded from trying a new outdoor activity with the realization of the gear needed as well as the associated costs. At TETON Sports it is easy to find gear that will meet the needs and budget for your next adventure. I love the focus on gear that is versatile and adaptable for families that may need to share gear as well as creating gear that can cater to adventurers of varied shapes and sizes. TETON Sport’s Scout 3400 Backpack, for example, has adjustable straps allowing for the pack to be fit to a wide range of body types. Both my husband and I have been able to use the pack on different occasions and were able to comfortably fit the pack to each of us.

TETON Sports passion for including everyone in the great outdoors can be seen not only by the gear that is created but also the desire to help educate and inspire others. Both the TETON Sports Adventure Blog and social media accounts are great resources for learning tips to up your adventure game. Whether it’s learning how to camp in winter, trying out easy camp recipes, or improving your emergency survival skills, TETON Sports offers tips and inspiration on a wide range of topics to empower you with the skills you will need to confidently enjoy the great outdoors.

As the famed naturalist, John Muir once said, “thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.” Indeed, in our oft-times hectic world, the innate call to return to nature is within each of us. Perhaps you already consider yourself an outdoor enthusiast or maybe the thought of setting off on a trail leaves you feeling like a fish out of water. Whatever level you may find yourself, we here at TETON Sports believe that there is a place for everyone in nature. With the resources we provide and great gear to seal the deal, we will help you bring your outdoor activity to the next level. The adventures to be had, the memories that will be savored and the benefits to your being are truly limitless. With each step further into nature, you too may find that being in the great outdoors feels less foreign and more like coming home.

About the Author: Desiree Hester

Desiree is a photographer, blogger, world traveler and creator of The Wayfarer Journeys travel website. Through her words and photos she aims to inspire others to dedicate more time to being in nature and to add outdoor adventure into every trip that is taken. Desiree believes that anyone can benefit from travel and time spent in the great outdoors- no matter their skill level. Whether in her beautiful home state of Utah or while traveling abroad, she can be found hiking, back packing, camping, snow shoeing, cooking a mean dutch oven meal or out on the lake with her wonderful husband and fearless adventure pup, Waldo. You can follow Desiree on Instagram at @thewayfarerjourneys