Personal Development and Wellness Left Navigation Arrow
being outdoors

Personal Development and Wellness

By: Brittany DiRaddo from TETON Sports Where is personal development on your list of priorities? For me, it’s something I start thinking about AFTER I’ve punched out for the day, picked the dri...
Earth Day Left Navigation Arrow

Earth Day

By: Desiree Hester What does Earth Day Mean? This year, April 22nd, marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Earth Day represents the birth of the modern environmental movement and a...
Hydration Nation Left Navigation Arrow
Backpacking / Hiking

Hydration Nation

By: David Ball Hydrating is often treated like a soft science. “How do I feel?” is really the wrong question to be asking when it comes to avoiding dehydration. Research shows we aren’t very...
Conquering Self Doubt Left Navigation Arrow

Conquering Self Doubt

You’ve created a list, you’ve checked it thrice. Your pack is full, your phone is charged. You are ready to go! go. You have a big goal for the day -- maybe it’s solo backpacking fo...
Keeping Tabs on Your Adventure Goals Left Navigation Arrow

Keeping Tabs on Your Adventure Goals

We just shared tips on how to set your outdoor goals for the year -- how to choose attainable goals, how to work toward them and how to adjust as you go. That is all invaluable information. Let's a...
How to Prevent Blisters while Hiking Left Navigation Arrow
Backpacking / Hiking

How to Prevent Blisters while Hiking

By: Meg Atteberry Nothing stops a hike quite like a gnarly blister. In fact, blister prevention is an essential hiking skill that everyone needs to know. There are several different ways to pre...
Finding New Adventure Buddies Left Navigation Arrow

Finding New Adventure Buddies

Imagine this scenario; you’re ready to head outdoors + adventure...but you want someone to join you. Someone to keep you company, someone to laugh at your jokes + someone to help carry snacks. You’...
New Adventures with Strangers Left Navigation Arrow

New Adventures with Strangers

New Adventures with Stranger You call up our friends for a day on the trail. You and your crew have familiar places you enjoy going, the crew consists of people you're comfortable with, and you kno...
Our Favorite Desert Destinations in Pictures Left Navigation Arrow
american southwest

Our Favorite Desert Destinations in Pictures

The tall swirls of pinks and reds carve out an immense landscape. Dive into this complex world of Navajo sandstone and you'll be transported to another world. Smooth, curving walls let in the tinie...